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Cards Against Humanity: Rules & Gameplay

cardleague 7 months ago

Cards Against Humanity is a popular party game known for its dark humor and irreverent content, providing endless entertainment for adults. Here’s a quick rundown of how to play:

  • Objective: The player with the most amusing or outrageous card combinations wins.
  • Setup: Each player draws ten white cards. The player who most recently pooped begins as the Card Czar and selects one black card.
  • Gameplay:
    • The Card Czar reads the black card aloud, which contains a fill-in-the-blank phrase or question.
    • Players submit one of their white cards face down that they think best completes the statement or answers the question.
    • The Card Czar shuffles the white cards and reads each one aloud, then picks the funniest or most fitting response.
    • The chosen player scores one Awesome Point. A new player becomes the Card Czar, and the game continues clockwise.
  • Winning: The game typically ends when players agree to stop. The one with the most Awesome Points wins.

With easy-to-understand rules, Cards Against Humanity is perfect for gatherings where laughter and a bit of controversy are welcome.