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Ascension: Rules & Strategic Play

cardleague 7 months ago

Ascension: a renowned deck-building game revolves around strategic play and insightful planning. Players gather resources, defeat monsters, and acquire cards to build the most powerful deck, aiming to accumulate the highest honor points by the game’s end. Here’s a concise guide to the essential rules and strategies for mastering Ascension.

  • Objective: Earn the highest honor points through strategic card play.
  • Setup: Shuffle the main deck; deal six cards face-up to form the center row.
  • Starting Deck: Each player begins with eight Apprentice cards and two Militia cards.
  • Gameplay: Players take turns playing cards from their hand to acquire new cards or defeat monsters from the center row.
  • Resources: Utilize Runes (for acquiring new cards) and Power (for defeating monsters).
  • End of Turn: Discard all played and acquired cards, then draw five new cards.
  • End Game: The game concludes when the honor pool is depleted. Count honor points to determine the winner.

Strategic Play Tips:

  • Deck Building: Balance acquiring cards that generate Runes and Power. Avoid overloading your deck with high-cost cards that may clog your hand.
  • Card Synergy: Focus on cards that complement each other, creating powerful combinations.
  • React Quickly: Adapt your strategy based on the evolving center row and your opponents’ actions.