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Star Realms: Strategic Gameplay & Rules

cardleague 7 months ago

Star Realms: Strategic Gameplay & Rules

Star Realms is a dynamic deck-building game that blends strategic planning with exciting combat. Ideal for 2 players, the game centers around expanding one’s fleet and bases while engaging in tactical warfare.


  • Each player starts with a 10-card deck: 8 Scouts and 2 Vipers.
  • Set up the Trade Deck and draw 5 cards as the Trade Row.
  • Place Explorer cards beside the Trade Deck.
  • Both players start with 50 authority points.


  • Draw 5 cards from your deck.
  • Play all cards in hand; earn Trade (to buy ships/bases) and Combat (to attack).
  • Purchase new cards from the Trade Row.
  • Attack opponent’s authority or destroy their bases.
  • Discard played and purchased cards; draw 5 new cards.
  • Shuffle your discard pile when your deck is empty to form a new deck.


The goal is simple: reduce your opponent’s authority to zero. Utilize ships, bases, and unique card abilities to outmaneuver and obliterate your opponent’s forces. Mastering combos and strategic use of resources is key to victory in Star Realms!